If the RAM is not enough to run a large number of applications running simultaneously under Windows or open documents, then the operating system transfers part of the data to virtual memory - a handout file that sometimes takes up a lot of disk space.

Personal Computer
Step 1
If the swap file (pagefile.sys) takes up too much space on the system partition of the hard disk, you can reduce it, although the default size of the swap file is determined by the system automatically within the specified limits. The paging file is managed in the Windows 7 operating system as follows.
Step 2
Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Properties from the context menu. The same result can be achieved in another way: select "Control Panel" in the main menu, then "System and Security", then go to the "System" section. In this window, select the "Advanced System Settings" tab. Next, on the "Advanced" tab in the "Performance" section, select "Parameters". Select the "Advanced" tab in the window that appears and in the "Virtual memory" section click the "Change" button, above which the current paging file size is indicated.
Step 3
At the top of the next window, by default, there is a checkmark in the item "Automatically select the size of the swap file", and at the bottom, the minimum, recommended and current size of the swap file is indicated. Uncheck "Automatically select paging file size". Set the switch to the "Specify size" position, if you plan to do without using virtual memory at all, which happens when there is sufficient physical memory, set the switch to the "No paging file" position.
Step 4
In the "Initial size" and "Maximum size" fields, specify the required size of the swap file, and then restart the computer. Reducing the size of the swap file, as well as increasing it, is not difficult. You just need to know what exactly this is done for. Keep in mind that reducing the paging file size below a certain level can significantly slow down the system.