When working in a local network, it becomes necessary to protect information not only from economic espionage, but also from incorrect user actions. Using Windows tools, you can prevent the deletion of shared files.

Step 1
Log in to the system with administrator rights. In the "Control Panel" open the "Folder Options" section, go to the "View" tab and uncheck the "Use simple sharing …" item
Step 2
Right click on the folder that contains the files you want. In the drop-down menu, select "Properties" and in the "Security" tab, click "Advanced".
Step 3
In the Effective Permissions tab, double-click the empty space in the Permission Items section. In the new window, click "Change" and enter the name of the account whose owner will not be allowed to delete files. Click OK to confirm.
Step 4
In the Permission Items window, check the Deny checkbox next to Delete and Delete subfolders and files. If necessary, prohibit other actions for this account. Confirm by clicking OK
Step 5
If the "Security" tab is not available, call the "Open" line from the "Start" menu or the keyboard shortcut Win + R. Enter the gpedit.msc command and expand the User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components snap-ins.
Step 6
In the Explorer folder, check the status of the Remove Security Tab policy. If it is enabled, right-click to bring up the drop-down menu, select "Properties" and move the radio button to the "Not configured" position. Click OK to confirm
Step 7
If you have Windows Home Edition installed on your computer, you can make these changes in Safe Mode. Restart your computer and after the initial polling of the hardware press F8. Select "Safe Mode" from the boot options menu.
Step 8
Answer “Yes” to the system's question about continuing to work in this mode. After Windows boots up, right-click on the desired folder, select "Properties" and go to the "Security" tab - in this mode it is available.