When creating spreadsheets, the user regularly has to deal with various calculations. They can be reflected directly in a spreadsheet executed in both Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice.

a computer with appropriate software
Step 1
Consider a sheet of a spreadsheet. Each cell can be given specific coordinates, since columns and rows are indicated by a letter or number. This can be important if you have to perform actions with the data specified in the cells. The formula is entered directly into the cell. To do this, you need to select it. At the same time, it is activated.
Step 2
Put the "=" sign. It denotes a formula and makes it stand out from the main text. Other arithmetic signs are also used in Microsoft Excel. These are the familiar signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation. Addition is indicated by "+", subtraction is "-", multiplication is "*", and division is "/". Exponentiation is written as "^".
Step 3
The program has a formula bar. When you enter data and arithmetic signs, the contents of the cell are reflected in that row at the same time. After you have entered everything you need, press "Enter". Look at the status bar. There should appear the inscription "Done". If you exit this cell and select another, the status bar label will disappear. It will appear again as soon as you enter this cell again.
Step 4
Microsoft Excel allows you to enter not only simple formulas, but also those that contain links. For example, you need to perform actions with data located in two cells. Select the cell where you will paste the formula. As in the first case, enter the "=" sign in it. Pay attention to the status bar, where the text "Enter" should appear.
Step 5
Stand with the mouse in the cell, the data from which will be applied in the formula. Click the mouse. The link should appear on the formula bar and in the first cell. Control the process line by line. The word "Specify" should appear there. Check the icon for the desired arithmetic operation, and then click on the next cell. In the status bar, you will first see the word "Enter" again, and then - "Specify." Hit Enter. Don't forget to look at the status bar. After you enter the formula in the desired cell, the result will appear there. The formula will appear in the status bar as soon as you select this cell.
Step 6
Quite often it becomes necessary to edit the formula. This can be done in two ways - directly in the cell or in the status bar. To change the formula on the status bar, select a cell. Go to the line where the required formula should be displayed at this moment. Replace all or part of it.