When buying a computer, in particular, a system unit and its components, you should pay attention to the choice of a power supply. The power supply ensures the stable operation of all components only if the power of the power supply is sufficient for the needs of all components of the computer. Otherwise, you will lose in any case: the power supply will not cope, and the components of the system unit will not work at full capacity.

It is necessary
Calculation of the power supply unit
Step 1
If you follow the hardware market, you will notice an increase in the performance of modern computer internals. For each past year, at least 2 new items are released. The frequency of these new products, as a rule, increases from 1, 5 to 2 times. Accordingly, the power supplies are forced to increase their power. Today, a 500W power supply is no longer considered powerful. Power supplies for 1500W appeared. Logically, you can find out why the power of computer devices has increased. The advent of 2, 3, 4-core processors has increased power consumption from 90W to 160W. Newer graphics cards also have higher power costs. This factor is worth paying attention to.
Step 2
To calculate the appropriate power for the future power supply, you need to calculate all the components of your computer and add up the power they consume. Take into account the number of processor cores, whether it will be a dual video card or the usual option will suit you. Recent motherboards also use more power than older motherboards.
Step 3
The best option is to calculate the power supply through an online calculator. There are a lot of such services on the Internet now. The peculiarity of these calculators is that when choosing a specific model of a device, the program calculates the real volume of this device, and not the one that was stated on the label. For example, at one time in stores you could stumble upon a power supply with a power of 440W, and its real power was 390W. The fact is that the number 440 was included in the name of the product model. This has confused many buyers.