How To Install Aytyuns On A Computer

How To Install Aytyuns On A Computer
How To Install Aytyuns On A Computer

ITunes is a unique content management tool for devices that run on the iOS platform. To install the program, you need to download its distribution kit from the official Apple website and follow all instructions after starting the installation procedure.

How to install aytyuns on a computer
How to install aytyuns on a computer

Installing iTunes can be divided into two stages: downloading and unpacking the program distribution kit. To download the installer file for the application, you need a working internet connection and a computer running Windows or Mac OS.

Download iTunes

Open the browser that you use to browse the Internet using a shortcut on your desktop or from the Start menu. Enter the address of the official Apple website ( at the top of the browser window. Then press the Enter button.

In the upper panel of the resource, click on the iTunes button and wait for the next page dedicated to the program to appear. In the upper right corner, click Download iTunes. If you wish, you can enter your email address, but this information is not required. Click the Download Now button and wait for the distribution kit to start downloading to install the program.

Installing iTunes

Left-click on the name of the installer file in your browser window. If necessary, you can go to the "Downloads" section and click on the last file you downloaded. An installer window will appear in front of you. Read the instructions on the screen and click Next. You can also activate a subscription to Apple services, although the selection of such services is optional. In general, installing iTunes is no different from installing any other program and only takes a few steps to completely unpack the files.

If you don't want the program to start every time you want to play a music file on your computer, uncheck the box to use iTunes as your primary music playback tool.

Launching the program

After completing the installation of the program, restart your computer. At the next start of the system, the program will automatically start and will be ready to perform operations to work with your mobile device. Connect your Apple gadget to your computer and wait for the program window to appear. If the installation went completely right, you will see iTunes and will be able to manage the contents of your phone, player or tablet.

Solving problems with launching iTunes

If after the installation and reboot the launch of iTunes fails, double-click the left mouse button on the shortcut that was created on the desktop. If the program does not start again, restart your computer again. In case of problems with the program, you can always reinstall it using the uninstall tool "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove" - "Remove Programs". After uninstalling, re-download the distribution package of the program from the Apple website and run it to reinstall it.
