How To Disable Antivirus In Vista

How To Disable Antivirus In Vista
How To Disable Antivirus In Vista

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Among all the innovations that have appeared in the Windows Vista operating system in comparison with other systems in this line, it is possible to distinguish "Windows Defender" (Windows Defender). It is designed to protect and check the operating system and hard drives from all sorts of unwanted elements such as spyware and malware. But if you intend to install third-party anti-virus protection when installing the operating system, then the built-in Windows Defender is useless for you.

How to disable antivirus in Vista
How to disable antivirus in Vista


Configuring Windows Defender


Step 1

In order to monitor in real time all attacks of unwanted elements that enter a computer from the Internet, it is necessary to constantly update the virus signatures. They are referred to as "Definitions" in the Windows Vista operating system. "Definitions" are configured in the same way as other anti-virus complexes. You must specify the date and time of the virus update operation. The main task of updating the program is performed by the system tool "Windows Update". It automatically downloads and then installs "definitions" on your computer. If you want to update the "definitions" every time before checking the system, then setting up the automatic update function will help you with this.

Step 2

To configure and manage Windows Defender, you need to click on the "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Windows Defender" - then click on "Tools and Options" - "Tools and Options" - "Options". In this window, you can configure not only updating the program, but also disabling it. Try scanning your hard drive with Windows Defender and then scanning it with a third-party program. If the third-party program you have chosen will run many times faster, then it makes sense to disable the built-in Windows Defender.

Step 3

If for any reason you need to activate the Windows Defender scan, click on the Start menu - Control Panel - Windows Defender - Check.
