Today the most famous operating systems are Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choosing an OS for a computer is not only a responsible, but also a rather difficult task.

installation disks with Windows and Linux
Step 1
Determine what are the main tasks you intend to solve on the computer. In many cases, users choose Windows not because of its merits, but because other operating systems simply do not have the software they need. For example, Gimp for Linux cannot always fully replace Photoshop for Windows; this also applies to many other programs. High-quality software plays a decisive role when choosing an OS, this must be taken into account.
Step 2
You should know that the Mac OS, which was designed for Apple computers, can now be used on regular computers. In this case, we are talking about the operating system Mac OS X. If you like software for Mac OS, you can install Mac OS X on a regular computer running an Intel processor. During installation, various problems with the functioning of the equipment may appear, but most of them can be solved. However, installing Mac OS on a regular computer still raises many doubts about its advisability. Therefore, the choice is usually between Windows and Linux.
Step 3
Choose one of the Linux distributions if your computer is primarily used for watching movies and photos, listening to music and accessing the Internet. You will be able to solve all the usual tasks for you, while almost completely getting rid of problems with viruses. The architecture of Linux is such that viruses can cause any serious harm only in the case of incorrect user actions - for example, when constantly working under an administrator account.
Step 4
When choosing an OS, be sure to consider the fact that you have to pay for Windows, and Linux distributions are free. Also consider the price of antivirus for Windows, Microsoft Office, and other paid programs. For Linux, you can use free counterparts of most popular Windows programs. Even if Open Office cannot fully replace Microsoft Office, and Gimp cannot replace a professional Photoshop, such a replacement is quite suitable for solving ordinary everyday tasks.
Step 5
Be aware that many Windows programs can be run from Linux using the Wine application. With the launch of complex software - for example, Microsoft Office, some difficulties may arise, but most often they can be solved. Simple applications usually run completely free and work great. If you cannot do without some kind of software for Windows, test its work in Linux. If everything is in order, you can safely switch to this OS - after mastering it, it will no longer be possible to force you to return to Windows.
Step 6
Be sure to keep in mind that Linux has a completely different ideology than Windows. At first, working in Linux may seem inconvenient, but over time you will realize that many tasks in Linux are even easier and more convenient to solve than in Windows. Linux just takes some getting used to, and is especially difficult for those who have worked with Windows for years.
Step 7
Try Linux in demo mode, many distributions provide this option. You just run the OS from a CD without installation, this makes it possible to evaluate the appearance of the OS and its main characteristics. If you generally like the OS, install it on your computer as a second one. You will be able to use either Windows or Linux, allowing you to compare the merits and demerits of both systems.