Autorun is used to create a convenient quick launch menu for the desired disk component. In this case, you do not need to perform any additional actions to search for files in the file system. The disc will automatically start the necessary procedure for installing or playing music, without requiring any special operations from the user.

It is necessary
Create Autorun program
Step 1
Open the disk and create an "autorun.inf" file in it. To do this, right-click in the appropriate window, and select "New" - "Text file", then specify the name and resolution you need.
Step 2
Open the created file using standard Windows Notepad (right-click on the file - "Open with …" - "Notepad").
Step 3
Enter the following code: [AutoRun]
icon = icon.ico
open = file.exe The.ico icon will be displayed when starting the disk in explorer. It can be drawn using standard Paint, saving the drawing in.bmp format and subsequently changing it to.ico.
Step 4
File.exe can be any executable.bat, exe or.cmd file, as well as a.js or.vb script. If.html is used as the menu, the script will be slightly different. To run such a file, you will have to add an additional “start” parameter to the “open” section: open = start “page.html”
Step 5
The menu will open in the user's default web browser. If such a launch does not work, you will have to write a small program. Create a "start.bat" file and open it with notepad. Add a line: Start% 1
Step 6
Save the created file, put it in the same directory with "autorun.inf", in which specify the parameter in the open section: open = start.bat page.html
Step 7
The autoran is ready. Icon and launch files can be placed in separate folders, but in this case, you will have to specify the full relative path. For example, putting the icon file in the "icon" folder, and the launch file in the "run" folder, you will need to make the appropriate changes: [autorun]
icon = icon / icon.ico
open = run / file.exe