When typing texts, operations with fragments of words, paragraphs and the document as a whole have to be performed quite often. To do this, the desired fragment must be selected, and it is not always convenient to do this accurately enough with the mouse. In addition, the need to rush from the keyboard to this device and vice versa slows down the work and gets tired faster. It is much more productive to use “hot keys” to highlight the required fragments - combinations of buttons, simultaneously pressing which leads to the execution of a specific command.

Step 1
To select the entire text, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A (A - Latin). In this case, the cursor can be located anywhere in the text, this will not affect the selected range in any way.
Step 2
If you need to select all the text, from a certain position to the end of the document, place the insertion cursor in the desired place and press the combination of three keys: Ctrl + Shift + End.
Step 3
Select text in the opposite direction - from a certain position to the beginning of the document - in the same way, but with the replacement of one of the shortcut keys. Place the cursor in the desired location and press Ctrl + Shift + Home.
Step 4
To select a line fragment starting from the cursor position and ending with the right margin, use the Ctrl + End keyboard shortcut. To select text in the opposite direction - from the input cursor to the beginning of the line - use the Ctrl + Nome combination.
Step 5
You can select an arbitrary number of lines using the navigation keys - up and down arrows. Press and hold Shift until you use these arrows to highlight the number of lines you want. Note that the selection will start from the current cursor position, so to include the entire original line, it should be moved to the beginning or end of that line.
Step 6
Using the left and right arrows, you can select any number of characters - use them while holding down the Shift key.
Step 7
If you add Ctrl to the held Shift key, then using the left and right arrows, you can select text not by individual characters, but by whole words. If you need to select a fragment from the cursor to the beginning or end of the current paragraph, then use the up or down arrows with the same service keys.