Due to the user's carelessness or other reasons, passwords for entering various programs and sites are sometimes lost or forgotten. This usually causes great inconvenience to the user of a personal computer, and finding a forgotten password becomes very important. Finding a password on your computer's hard drive is not that difficult. You need to use special programs.

It is necessary
Personal computer, PasswordSpy program
Step 1
Download and install the distribution kit of the PasswordSpy program from the site https://passwordspy.ru/. It is one of the best programs in this category as it has a very wide range of features
Step 2
After you have downloaded the PasswordSpy program, you need to install it. It is best to install the program in a directory on the "C" drive. In general, the installation will not take more than a minute. Run the program. You will see a window in which there are several buttons. Click on the "Scan Passwords" button.
Step 3
Next, a list of programs for which you can find passwords will appear. The entire list of programs that are currently installed on the hard disk of your computer is displayed.
Step 4
Find the program you need and click on it. The system will issue a password if it was used in this program. Write down this password in a text document, so as not to forget later. You can also change your password to a new one immediately.
Step 5
If you want to find out the password for a site, for example vkontakte.ru, then click on the line where your browser is indicated. A browser is a program that provides you with the ability to navigate pages in the global network.
Step 6
Next, find the corresponding address from which you want to find out the password. A password will be indicated next to it. It is also worth noting that the program finds passwords that were saved in the browser. That is, if you did not save the password during authorization on the site, the PasswordSpy program will not be able to find it. Therefore, try to save all passwords in the browser when logging in to various web resources.
Step 7
In general, we can say that it is not difficult to find passwords on your computer, the main thing is that they are not completely deleted from the local disk. If all data about the program has been deleted, then the password cannot be found using PasswordSpy.