It is difficult to find a person who, having a computer or laptop with Windows OS, did not install Microsoft Office on it. But is it worth purchasing this office suite for a fairly decent amount, or is it better to save money?

If you have a computer, then, at least occasionally, you create documents on it. An essay for a child or a memo for a job, a table of expenses and income of your own household or an article on your blog, all this is most conveniently done in special editors, which are known to users of computers and laptops running Windows as the Microsoft Office package. However, the cost of this set of programs for creating and editing specific files is large enough to purchase a license without hesitation. Let's think about the free OpenOffice suite and think about whether it can replace the famous Microsoft Office?
The benefits of OpenOffice
- In OpenOffice, in the opinion of its experienced users, it is quite convenient to work with text documents, graphics, spreadsheets, presentations and databases, that is, everything for which we are offered to buy Microsoft Office.
- Downloading OpenOffice is completely free, and this free is absolutely legal (unlike Microsoft Office, for installing an unlicensed copy of which, in theory, you can get prosecution). The developers offer versions of OpenOffice for both Windows (32/64-bit) and Linux (including Mac OS). By the way, there is a version of the OpenOffice package with the ability to run the necessary programs without installation, which increases the convenience of working with it.
- OpenOffice will allow you to work equally effectively with both native document formats and the formats of the Microsoft Office suite, which makes it more versatile than the paid Office.
For reference: OpenOffice in Russian consists of OpenOffice Writer (analogue of MS Word), Calc (analogue of MS Excel), Draw (for working with graphics), Impress (analogue of PowerPoint), Math (for working with mathematical formulas), Base (DB).

Helpful hint: The complexity of the perception of the OpenOffice interface is a myth that ordinary Microsoft Office users create. Of course, you need to get used to the interface of any program at least a little in order to quickly find all the necessary functions, otherwise even a banal Notepad will be complicated and incomprehensible.