How To Choose An Electronic Translator

How To Choose An Electronic Translator
How To Choose An Electronic Translator

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An electronic translator is a small device that can help you translate individual words and phrases. Each translator has a certain number of included dictionaries and phrasebooks, some models can pronounce foreign expressions aloud. To choose an electronic translator that is ideal for your purposes, decide what exactly you need.

How to choose an electronic translator
How to choose an electronic translator


Step 1

The first question you can ask yourself about the type of translator is what languages you intend to use in it. There are translators who know only two languages. And there are those who can "communicate" in many foreign dialects, some models support almost 30 languages. Once you answer this question, the device search horizon will be significantly narrowed.

Step 2

Do you need a translator to speak the words out loud? About half of the remaining models, if not more, will be eliminated at this stage. Few devices have a voice pronunciation function.

Step 3

In most cases, you only need to decide what you are buying this device for to complete your search. Do you want to use it to learn a foreign language or are you going to use a translator when traveling? The higher the requirements for the translator, the more opportunities he should have. As a rule, at this stage you will already be able to choose the model you want.

Step 4

There is also a type of translator that few people know about: the scanning device. You need to point him to a word, and you will immediately receive a translation. If you want to read books in a foreign language, learning it this way, this option is perfect for you.

Step 5

An important part of the choice, in addition to the linguistic functionality of an electronic translator, can be its technical equipment. The most common are equipped with a keyboard, allowing you to enter words and translate them in different directions of the device. the translator can also have the function of entering a word with a stylus.

Step 6

An important factor when choosing a translator is its cost. There are very cheap devices - up to 1000r. But there are also multifunctional models that allow you to solve many problems, they cost more than 10,000 rubles.
