How To Choose An Electronic Dictionary

How To Choose An Electronic Dictionary
How To Choose An Electronic Dictionary

An electronic dictionary is a portable device that stores a specific set of words and their meanings. In this case, the search in the catalog is carried out by entering text using the device's keyboard. An electronic dictionary can contain not only a list of dictionary entries, but also have a training program and a phonetic base in its functionality.

How to choose an electronic dictionary
How to choose an electronic dictionary

Checking the quality of dictionary entries

There are a large number of electronic dictionaries on the market that are not of sufficient quality and do not fulfill their primary function. Dictionary entries in such devices are given with a large number of inaccuracies, which can cause problems in the implementation of communication. Therefore, it is important to check the functional filling before purchasing.

Please bring a printed version of any popular dictionary with you before purchasing. So, if you are looking for an electronic English-Russian dictionary, the monolingual printed editions of Collins, the Oxford Russian Dictionary, the dictionary of V. K. Müller or Y. D. Apresyan are well suited. Take any word you don't know and compare its meaning in a paper dictionary with the meaning in an electronic device. If you notice the presence of any obviously ridiculous translation, another model is worth looking into.

Additional functions

Having decided on the quality of the translation, carefully study the device. The device should be light enough and convenient to use. It is desirable that the device has a clear display, which in any lighting conditions will provide the output of the necessary information.

If you are just starting to learn a language, you may find it useful to have a phonetic module with which you can listen to the correct pronunciation of an unfamiliar word. Also, a certain plus for language learners will be the presence of a microphone and a learning system. Such a device will help you practice the pronunciation of individual words and phrases.

The presence of a voice recognition module will help with translation. Before purchasing, you should test the volume of the existing speakers and clarify the possibility of additional connection of headphones. A good addition to the standard functionality will be the presence of games that will additionally help you remember some words.

Another important parameter of the electronic translator will be the type of food it uses. For example, some devices use AA AA or AAA pinky batteries. More expensive devices can be equipped with a lithium battery, which has a long life and can be recharged many times.

A good plus will be the ability to install additional own dictionaries on the translator via a flash card or computer. However, a large amount of memory for an electronic dictionary is not an important characteristic.
