Contamination of a laptop will sooner or later lead to a "slowdown" in its work, and in the most severe cases, even to a breakdown of the processor. If you do not want to lose your favorite laptop, and you are also not indifferent to the speed and quality of its work, then you should learn how to clean your laptop from dust at home.

When you need to clean your laptop from dust
If your laptop starts to "roar" like a jet plane during operation, and its body resembles a heating device when touched, then it's time to do preventive cleaning. Also, the fact that cleaning the laptop is necessary may indicate its spontaneous shutdown during operation. You should not neglect caring for a laptop, because dust, getting into the radiators, prevents the processor from cooling and, overheating, it can simply burn out. To avoid damage, the laptop should be cleaned about once every six months.
How to clean a new laptop under warranty
Most services for the maintenance of warranty equipment break the contract and refuse service if you tried to get inside the device yourself. Therefore, you should not unscrew and remove the lid of a new laptop if the warranty period has not yet expired. There is an easier way to remove dust from your laptop. As a rule, a new laptop has not yet had time to become very dusty from the inside and you can "blow off" dust and small debris (hairs, crumbs, etc.) by acting on it from the outside. This requires a vacuum cleaner with air blowing function. Think about where the air comes from when your laptop is running, find this hole (most modern laptops have it on the left), switch the vacuum cleaner to blow mode, and lean the tube against the computer's air vent. A few minutes will be enough for dust and fine debris to be “blown out” of the laptop. A powerful hairdryer is also suitable for such preventive cleaning.
How to clean an old laptop
If the laptop is old and the warranty period for it has long expired, then you can arrange for it a global cleaning from the inside. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a small Phillips screwdriver, a clean brush, a vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer and a damp cloth.
First you need to turn off the power and remove the laptop cover by unscrewing all the bolts with a screwdriver, otherwise how to clean the laptop from dust? It is better to prepare a small box in advance and put them in it so as not to lose or accidentally brush them off the table. Pay attention to the motherboard first. If there is a layer of dust on it, gently blow it off with a hair dryer, but in no case wipe it with a napkin, cotton swabs, or even touch it with a brush. Any microscopic lint from the napkins, remaining on the metrin, can damage the tracks or even provoke a short circuit.
Especially a lot of dust and dirt is attracted to the radiator and fans. The latter must be carefully detached and wiped with a damp cloth. The radiator (the most polluted place in the laptop) will have to be cleaned with a hair dryer, brush, damp cloth, and in difficult cases, you may need a toothpick to help pick out the adhering crumpled dust.
At the end of this step, apply a couple of drops of machine oil to the fan axle and reinstall it. Blow out the surface and ventilation openings with a hairdryer.
Carefully replace the laptop cover and tighten the screws one at a time using a screwdriver. Turn on the laptop and listen, if it began to work quieter, then you correctly followed all the points of the instructions and now you know exactly how to clean the laptop from dust at home.