Has your computer started to boot many times slower than before? Maybe it's time to clean up your startup.

Surely when the system starts, a lot of programs are launched that were once interesting to you, but now are no longer needed. You can see their icons in the system tray - in the same place where the system clock is displayed. And some of the applications do not have any visual representation at all, while absorbing some of the system's resources, slowing down its work.
In addition, it is useful to examine startup from time to time in the interests of security, because sometimes there are launches of programs that you have not heard of at all, and certainly have not installed on your computer. This is already a sign of viral activity, and such calls must be eliminated.
Well, in order to clean the autoload not too often, be careful when installing new programs. Many of them are written to startup by default, but this is by no means always necessary for the user. Uncheck this setting, and the next program will not slow down the startup of your computer.
The easiest way to clean up startup is to open the Start - Programs - Startup menu. Here are the program shortcuts that the system launches at each start. You can simply delete them (right-click and select "Delete"). The shortcut will be removed, and the next time Windows starts, it will not launch an application that the user does not need.
However, the startup menu is far from the only place that contains a list of applications launched at system startup. In modern versions of Windows, there is a convenient tool that allows you to see a complete list of applications automatically launched at startup. To get started with it, type msconfig at the command line or the Run menu. In the window that opens, we will be interested in the Startup tab.
You will see a list of programs launched by the system at each start. It can be quite long. Some of the applications listed here are necessary for the operation of the system, some for the convenience of the user, and some can be safely disabled by simply unchecking the box in the corresponding line.
It is not easy for a layman to figure out which of the programs are necessary and which can be abandoned. Be careful - disabling some important applications can have an unexpected and unpleasant effect: the system will be disrupted. To make your task easier, each line contains the company that authored the given software module, the path to its executable module (“Command” column), and in the “Location” column, the place where the need to run this module is indicated. It can be like the Startup menu already known to us - it is indicated as a path starting from the system drive (usually C:) and ending with the StartUp folder. Other locations starting with HKLM or HKCU are a link to a registry hive. If necessary, the registry can be viewed and adjusted independently, without the help of msconfig.
Let's run regedit (you need to type this command in the command line or the "Run" menu). The registry branches we need are HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun and HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun. The keys are listed here, each of which indicates the path to the application that the system starts when it boots. Deleting the key cancels the download of the selected application.