Constant overheating of the video card can damage this device. To prevent the temperature from rising to a critical level, a cycle of procedures must be performed.

First, clean your graphics card cooler. Disconnect the computer from the electrical outlet and open the case of the system unit. Remove the video card after disconnecting the video cable from it. Do not damage the latch that prevents accidental disconnection of this device.
Clean the fan blades. To do this, it is better to use cotton swabs soaked in alcohol solution. Make sure the cooler spins freely. Install the graphics card into the slot and turn on the computer.
Download and install the Speed Fan software. Run this application and wait for the device analysis to complete. Open the Readings menu and view the readings from the temperature sensors. Find at the bottom of the working window the line related to the cooler of the video card. Increase the speed of rotation of its blades. To do this, enter the number 100 in the field provided for this.
Wait until a stable temperature of the video adapter is established. Remember that the temperature of the video card in passive mode should not exceed 55 degrees.
If the hardware is still overheating, replace the thermal grease between the heat sink and the video adapter's microcontroller. To do this, disassemble the video card case. Remove the cooling radiator and wipe off the old paste. Apply some new thermal paste to the heatsink and reinstall it. Wait a while, allowing the paste to spread evenly.
Install an additional fan inside the system unit. Aim it so that it blows over the video adapter. The ideal place for such a cooler is the back of the system unit. Naturally, the fan must be powerful enough. Place it directly under the video adapter. This will ensure a steady flow of cool air.