How To Make Music In Skype So That You Can't Hear Music

How To Make Music In Skype So That You Can't Hear Music
How To Make Music In Skype So That You Can't Hear Music

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The popular Skype program, like a mobile phone, allows you not only to quickly exchange messages, but also to talk with friends. And just like in a mobile phone, every call or message in Skype is accompanied by a melody that can be changed or turned off altogether.

How to make music in Skype so that you can't hear music
How to make music in Skype so that you can't hear music


Step 1

If you don't like it when every incoming message is accompanied by a melody, you can turn off all sounds on the computer. To do this, open Skype and find the "Tools" item in the top section of the menu, where click the "Settings" subsection. In the window that opens, select the "General" tab, and then - "Sound settings".

Step 2

Uncheck the box next to the option "Allow automatic microphone settings" and move the volume slider to the minimum value. After that, uncheck the box next to the item for automatic speaker setup, move the slider to the minimum level and click on "Save".

Step 3

To remove musical accompaniment for calls, alerts and chats without touching the microphone and speaker settings, use the Sounds subsection. To do this, click the "Settings" tab, and then "General" and the "Sounds" section. On the right side, you will see the Mute All Sounds link. Click on this link and all actions in the program will become silent.

Step 4

If you're just annoyed with the default ringtone but don't want to mute all sounds, download new music. Since Skype only recognizes music files with wav format, download a converter like Format Factory, then select the music file and paste it into the program. Once the conversion is over, the file can be used for Skype.

Step 5

Go to the "Settings" section from the "Tools" menu and select the "Sounds" subsection. In the lower corner of the window that opens, click the "Download sound files" link and select the melody that you have prepared for the program. Click on "Open", after which the music file will appear in the "My Sounds" window in the "Sounds" tab. Highlight the melody and click on "Save". Now every call or message will be accompanied by new music.
