There are many reasons why users of personal computers sometimes cannot delete a particular file. Special utilities will help to solve this problem.

Sometimes users of personal computers may encounter a small problem - this or that file refuses to be deleted and a corresponding window appears. There are many reasons why this can happen.
Standard solution to the problem
For example, in most cases this kind of error indicates that the file is occupied by some other application, which means that it is in the processes of the system. In order to eliminate the urgent problem, you need to find a program that works with this file (if you know what kind of file and which program can work with it) and close it, and then repeat the uninstallation procedure again.
The "Windows Task Manager" can come to the rescue. In order to open it, you need to press the combination of hot keys Ctrl + alt="Image" + Del. Further, in the Processes and Applications tabs, you need to find the program that prevents the file from being deleted and complete the procedure using the appropriate button. Unfortunately, this method is not ideal, firstly, because it is not always possible to find a program that works with the file, and secondly, it may turn out to be a system utility, upon completion of which the system may crash.
Unlocker to help
In addition, sometimes files cannot be deleted due to incorrect user actions, which led to damage inside the file itself and, as a result, getting rid of it is a big problem. Moreover, such files can also load the system, and therefore the user's computer may freeze, work slowly, etc. To solve such problems, there is a special software - Unlocker.
This small and completely free program will allow you to unblock corrupted files, that is, close open file blockers, which allows you to get rid of files that you did not want to delete before. It should be noted that, unlike standard programs, you cannot see a shortcut from this one on the desktop. In order to launch it, you need to right-click on a specific file and select Unlocker from the context menu.
If the file is locked, the program will display a message with the name of the process, blocking the path to it and will allow you to select a specific action, after which you must click on the "Unblock" button. If the file is not locked, then the user can immediately, without unnecessary manipulation, take the necessary steps to delete.