At this point in time in the modern world, various steam servers are often used. Steam allows you to activate downloads from the network. It was created by game developers for computers. Steam sells games from well-known publishers. Also, many different questions arise that are associated with the creation of steam servers. If you follow certain rules, you can create a server without any problems.

PC, internet
Step 1
In order to create a steam server, download hldsupdatetool from the Internet. Install this program on your computer hard drive in the C: Program FilesValveHLServer directory.
Step 2
Go to "Start" and click the "Run" button. In the window that opens, in the Command Prompt, enter cmd. Add the command cd C: Program FilesValveHLServer. You will need to create a folder, for example "C: / Server". In the Command line, write HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir "C: / Server". The program will update and the file will start downloading. It will take about 20 minutes.
Step 3
You can do that. Create a shortcut for HldsUpdateTool.exe. Then right-click to open it and select Properties. Where Object is, write -command update -game cstrike -dir "C: / Server".
Step 4
Go to the server folder. Run the shortcut. This is done in two ways. The first is called visual.
Step 5
Run hlds.exe.
Game - the name of your game
Server name - The name of your server.
Map is the starting map.
Network - Internet for the Internet or Lan for the network
MaxPlayers - slots - the number of players.
UPDport - 27015 - standard - connection port
Rcon Password - the password you need to remotely manage the server.
Step 6
The second way is console. The folder where the server is located is the resource we need. Create StartServer.cmd using Notepad. Then enter start / MIN / HIGH hlds.exe + sv_lan 1 -game cstrike + port 27015 -console -insecure -noipx + maxplayers 12 + map de_dust2.
start / MIN / HIGH hlds.exe - start hlds.exe with high priority.
sv_lan, 1 - internet, 0 - network.
-game is a game.
+ port - port 27015 - standard goes
-console - launch performed in the console.
+ maxplayers - slots - the value of the players.
+ map - map.
Step 7
In general, we can say that creating a server is not difficult, you just need to follow certain rules.