Hardware and Software are terms used in English to refer to the hardware and software of a computer. Hardware is a word for the contents of a device, and Software is responsible for defining software stuffing.

The word hardware is of English origin and in the computer environment corresponds to the Russian equivalent of "hardware". This concept is associated with the stuffing of a computer, its case and peripheral equipment that surrounds the device. The concept is used in relation to physical media and devices installed and working with a computer.
Hardware includes a monitor, mouse, keyboard, storage media, various cards (network, graphics, audio, etc.), as well as memory modules, a motherboard and chips installed in it, i.e. all objects that you can touch if you want. However, the hardware itself can only function in conjunction with the software, i. E. software. The combination of these two concepts forms the understanding of a workable computer system.
Software, by contrast, identifies that part of the computer that is not hardware. The software includes all used applications that can be launched. The software concept includes executable files, libraries, scripts. Programs are executed on the basis of instructions written in a programming language and cannot function without a hardware component that processes the code written by the programmer at the expense of the available computing power.
The software is stored on storage media and processed by the central processor through a set of directives, i.e. programming language. Instructions consist of a set of binary values that the processor can distinguish and calculate, and then return the desired result after a certain amount of time.
Modern computer hardware is capable of processing a large number of commands at the same time, which makes it possible to create complex applications that meet modern requirements. The more complex a computer program is, the more computing power is required from the hardware. If the hardware configuration does not allow the execution of the program launched by the user, there will be significant drops in performance, as well as freezes.
There are many types of software, which are defined in accordance with the purpose of their application or the specifics of their functioning and operation.