How To Change Settings Without Entering The Game

How To Change Settings Without Entering The Game
How To Change Settings Without Entering The Game

Table of contents:


It is possible to change the game settings without entering it only in a few cases. This is necessary, for example, for faster loading of the menu or other elements of the game, as well as for other purposes.

How to change settings without entering the game
How to change settings without entering the game


Step 1

Install the game if you haven't done so before. Open the Games, Program Files or whatever folder you usually install programs and games to on the local drive of your computer. The directory can be protected from viewing, change this option in the dialog box that appears, choosing to display existing items. This can happen if you enter the folder for the first time after installing the operating system.

Step 2

Find a folder named according to the name of your game. It can also be a directory with the name of the developer company in its name. There will probably be many other folders in it, check each of them for a configuration file. It can be called Settings, Configuration, Game Settings, and so on. In the right one, you will find the settings for the video card, controls, game difficulty, and so on.

Step 3

Use an alternative method to change your game settings. On the desktop, right-click on the shortcut, navigate to the location of the object by clicking the corresponding command in the properties window that opens. You should be in the directory with the game. You can also use the method described above for this.

Step 4

Right click on the shortcut to launch the game, select its properties. If there is an additional item for setting the game parameters, please change the configuration as you see fit and in accordance with the system requirements to run the software.

Step 5

Apply and save your changes. Please note that this feature is also available for select games only. To change the parameters of most of them, you still have to launch the installed application and make the necessary changes through the menu.
