One of the main entertainments of childhood among modern young people was playing "Dandy". Gathering friendly companies, the guys could run for hours on virtual levels and kill monsters, getting a lot of pleasure. Unfortunately, for today's children, this is a little more complicated.

Step 1
Get a gamepad. People call it a "joystick", but this name is fundamentally wrong - in stores, a "joystick" is a device that imitates an airplane steering wheel. It is best to buy a gamepad model Xbox360, because Microsoft is a monopoly on the PC market, and buying a product with a different compatibility, you will subsequently experience serious inconvenience. It can be either a simple inversion of control or a complete rejection of the game by the device.
Step 2
Look for the Hot-seat tag. Literally, this can be translated as "hot sitting", and this mark is an international standard for designating games that can be played on one computer. This possibility is not present everywhere - only a very small part of games support this mode. As a rule, it depends on the features of the gameplay.
Step 3
You can play together in scrollers. This is a genre of games that implies a side view: little men move from left to right across the screen, jump over obstacles, killing monsters. Most of the games for dandy and Sega were made in this genre. Of the hits ported to PC, several parts of the Metal Slug game can be noted.
Step 4
Turn-based strategies almost always have a hot-seat mode. In fact, such games are about rebuilding a kingdom, conquering neighbors and achieving world power. Thus, nothing interferes with the game for two: the moves take place as in chess, one by one, no split screen is required. The most legendary example of this genre of games is Heroes of Might and Magic, in which such an opportunity was provided from the very beginning.
Step 5
Some racing games allow two people to play. In this case, you have to divide the screen into two parts (usually - upper and lower, although the left-right option is possible) and watch each player for his half. One of the biggest projects of this kind was Blur. (Note that modern Need for Speed games do not have this option.)
Step 6
If you are still in the days of 8-bit consoles, then a dandy emulator would be an excellent option. By downloading to your computer a small archive with a name like "Emulator of a dandy and 1500 games for it" from any torrent tracker, you will provide yourself with most of the ancient toys that you can play with a friend. Inside the archive, you will probably find instructions on how to work with the application.