A local server is software that is installed on a computer, for example, for the purpose of testing Internet applications before uploading them to a public network. The local server simulates the operation of a virtual one, allowing the user to open their own Internet resource in a browser window even without using an Internet connection.

Step 1
A local server can be done using the Apache software solution available on all modern platforms. It should be noted that Apache is also used when organizing any type of Internet server to run Internet applications, for which, however, additional packages may need to be installed. For example, most Internet programs work with the PHP interpreter and MySQL databases, and therefore plugins are often connected to Apache to work with these extensions.
Step 2
To accomplish most of the tasks when working with the server, ready-made solutions are used that work in conjunction - Apache, PHP, MySQL. Denwer and XAMPP are among the most popular software packages. Go to the official website of one of the selected kits and download the installation file of the latest version from the download list.
Step 3
Run the resulting installer by double-clicking on the resulting document. Follow the instructions of the installer to complete the installation of the package. During the installation program, you will be prompted to set the required parameters for working with the server. For example, the directory containing all the necessary files and programs that will be installed additionally. After selecting the desired settings, wait for the unpacking of the local server.
Step 4
After the installation is complete, start the local server using the shortcut that will be created on the desktop. For XAMPP, you can launch the services you need through the XAMPP Control Panel, which will be available in the Windows tray after starting Apache. Denwer is started and stopped via the Start.bat and Stop.bat shortcuts, respectively.
Step 5
After installing the package, launch your browser and enter the localhost request in the address bar. If all the settings were done correctly, the corresponding message from Apache (It Works!) Or the page of the selected package of the local Denwer or XAMPP server will open.