In society, the discussion about the benefits and dangers of computer games does not subside. Of course, one cannot rush to extremes and assure that games are only useful or extremely harmful, but not all the advantages of computer games are such.

Speaking about the benefits of computer games, we often recall educational games offered for practicing reading skills, learning foreign languages, etc. We represent harm in the form of a teenager, carried away by the passage of the next game until reality is forgotten. And, in general, this is the correct idea, but there are other points that need to be remembered.
For example, many Western researchers emphasize on such seemingly useful aspects of computer games as the development of logic, socialization skills (this applies to online games), and the ability to work in a team. In general, such moments can be noticed, but their importance, in my opinion, is overestimated, because it is in online games that there are players who like to offend others and provoke them without reason. We must also not forget about such dignity as the development of perseverance with the help of games in achieving a goal. This advantage is leveled by the overwhelming majority of game manufacturing companies by the game store, where you can purchase game products to facilitate the passage of quests. In any game, you can find many players who have invested more than one thousand rubles in the game. There are legends about millions spent on gaming "goodies". But if you set yourself the goal of confirming or refuting such rumors, becoming an experienced player in one of the promoted games, you can believe in at least hundreds of thousands of money invested in the game.
Let's make an intermediate summary. It is impossible to speak about the unambiguous benefits of computer games, and the well-known advantages of games are rather doubtful. Each plus has its own very significant minus, which is unavoidable today.
Now let's talk about the dangers of computer games. The first and most important drawback of computer games is a departure from reality, from existing problems. For an adult, and even more for a teenager, it is much easier and easier to live in virtual reality, in which there are much fewer rules of behavior and they are more unambiguous than in real life. Moreover, in the virtual reality of the game, a character who is controlled by a person is a bit of a superhero. The game is designed in such a way that the player can go through all the tests, solve all the riddles and defeat all the monsters, which gives a person too much self-confidence. Well, success in a computer game against the background of problems in school or personal life will undoubtedly push a person to stay in the game, forgetting about difficult issues. As a result, irritability, aggressiveness, rejection of loved ones grows, who insist on returning the player to reality to solve urgent problems. This irritability is spurred on by the inability to get money to buy in-game items, since an avid gambler who spends many hours in virtuality every day can no longer meet his needs.
Attention! Computer games do not mean virtual simulators or similar skill-building programs.