We use a username and password every day: to access mail, favorite sites, social networks, communication programs and much more. Everyone chooses a username depending on personal preferences, but choosing a password should be approached more responsibly. After all, a password that is too simple for an attacker can easily be cracked by brute force, in other words - brute force (there are special programs for this). You can find and install special software for generating a password. It's even easier to use online tools.

1. Genpas.narod.ru
Convenient site in terms of features. The "admin-style" user interface is not very user-friendly. Usage options can be set: Small letters, Capital letters, Numbers, Signs. As well as the length of the password and their number. Moreover, it seems that there is no upper bar in terms of quantity, and in vain - when I entered a six-digit number and tried to generate such a number of passwords, my browser simply froze. You can create a password not by clicking on the button, but immediately use the already generated passwords of different categories: Like a word (easy to remember), Super password, Case numbers, Word and number, Simple.
2. Pr-cy.ru/password
A tool from a well-known resource for webmasters and site optimizers. Nice concise interface. Generates one password - user-specified length. You can set the usage options: Use English letters, Use numbers, Use symbols, Pronounced.
3. Getsecurepassword.com
Service with a simple pleasant interface, English-speaking, but you can translate the page into almost all languages of the world. Allows you to create up to 8 passwords at a time, 5 to 15 characters long. You can set the options for using: Use upper case, Use numbers, Use symbols. The service immediately displays how strong the generated password is. The site emphasizes that passwords are generated on the client side and are not sent over the Internet. There is also a separate page where you can check the strength of any entered password.
4. Generator-paroley.ru
The site contains a brief educational program on why a secure password is needed, what are its criteria, and how passwords are cracked. Allows you to create up to 100 passwords from 1 to 100 characters long. You can set the following usage options: Lowercase eng, Uppercase eng, Lowercase rus, Uppercase rus, Numbers, Symbols. When you open the page, 12 passwords with a length of 12 characters are already displayed, that is, they are quite reliable.
5. Passwordsgenerator.net
An English-language site with a simple interface. Allows to generate one password from 6 to 2048 characters long. Usage options: Symbols, Numbers, Upper / lower case letters, Exclude similar characters, Exclude complex characters, Auto-selection. There is an option "Generate on the client side" (do not send over the Internet), it is enabled by default. Usage options can be remembered. When generating a password, a hint is displayed at the bottom to remember the password, although its real use is doubtful.