Fans of computer hardware to this day argue which process is still better - Intel or AMD? Intel processors are about longevity, and AMD has earned a lot of trust throughout its existence.

The Intel processor is fast when running active programs. If you have many windows open on your computer, the performance of this processor will increase dramatically. Low power consumption is also an indisputable plus of this processor. Intel processors are built for many applications and games. Therefore, most gamers are for them. There are enough advantages: excellent compatibility with RAM, well-established interconnection, stability of work.
But from the positive qualities of Intel, there are also negative sides. For example, the inability to work efficiently in several applications that require increased power consumption. Two powerful programs running at the same time can quickly run, but if you run a couple more powerful programs, the performance will obviously deteriorate.
What about AMD processors? They are distinguished by their relatively low cost. Due to this, AMD managed to squeeze out the "giant" Intel. Multitasking is the strong point of AMD processors, you can efficiently work in several programs that consume a lot of power. Multiplatformity should not be ignored either. AMD processors are replaceable. AMD processors can be overclocked up to 20% if desired.
Not without its drawbacks. First, high power consumption, as well as poor interaction with the computer's operating system. AMD is having a hard time trying to keep up with Intel's popularity. And they are associated with less compatibility for most programs.
Of course, it is everyone's personal choice - to buy a computer with an Intel or AMD processor. Each processor is good in its own way, so it's up to the buyer to decide, based on their personal requirements.