One of the most popular genres of computer games is strategy. In all games of this genre, the user is given the opportunity to control cities, armies, etc. Each strategy is unique in its own way, and some have become a kind of hits.

The best of the best
For example, one of the most popular is the Sid Meier's Civilization strategy. This series of games introduces you to the wonderful world of turn-based strategy games. The player will have to develop his civilization, discovering new inventions, increasing his army, exploring new horizons. A distinctive feature of this strategy from other turn-based strategies is that users can play with each other over the network. There is support for a network mode, in which up to eight players participate.
The Total War series is also one of the most popular strategy games on the personal computer. Here the player is given control over a whole army, with the help of which the outcome of many historical events is decided (the game is completely based on historical events, battles). The user can conclude peace treaties, so that there is no need to fight with another character.
One of the most advanced and popular real-time strategy games is Tom Clancy's EndWar. The key feature is that the player can direct his soldiers through voice control. Unfortunately, for some, this control method may seem inconvenient due to the fact that it can only be controlled by means of English commands. The goal of the game is to completely capture the enemy's control points.
The most famous games of the genre
The computer game Tropico also deserves attention. The thing is that the first part of the Tropico series was an innovation in its genre. Users are given a small island, building which, they get more profit, new residents. Of course, it will not do without political upheavals, rallies and other things - you need to closely monitor everything so that you are not overthrown.
Do not forget about such a pioneer of the genre as the game Heroes Of Might and Magic. In 2015, a new, seventh part of the series will be released, which will delight players with a new plot, updated graphics and everything that every connoisseur of the series loves. The user will be able to choose from one of several races, these are: people, undead, horde and magicians.
It is also worth mentioning a fresh strategy that already has its own fans. This is a Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft game. The essence of the game is as follows: the player is given the opportunity to collect his own deck of cards with heroes and their unique capabilities, after which you can fight other players online, go through training battles or play in the arena. The developer of this strategy is Blizzard, which specializes in creating really popular strategies such as Starcraft, Diablo and Warcraft.