Have you succumbed to advertizing suggestions and purchased an even more powerful computer? In the meantime, the old one is still working, nothing burned there, but you don't want to use it as the main one anymore? Let's think about what to do with the old computer …

1. Sell.
You can, of course, place an advertisement for the sale of an old, workable computer in a newspaper or on an electronic bulletin board, offer it to friends and acquaintances, but you have to understand that you will not be able to "recoup" the money paid for it.
Helpful advice: before setting a price for an old PC, look for similar configurations on the same Avito.
2. Give away for free.
By posting an ad on specialized sites, you can quickly get rid of your old computer by handing it over to a poor individual or thus help a nursing home, a charitable organization.
But why get rid of technology that can perform many more functions?
3. Use as a typewriter or other simple tasks.
A not very powerful computer can easily help you perform many tasks, such as working with documents, searching for information on the Internet, etc. The main thing in this matter is the choice of the right software, that is, undemanding to the parameters of the hardware.
4. Use as a file server or media player.
Do not throw out your old PC, but allocate it for storing files - books, films, photos, that is, everything that takes up a lot of space. It is easy to organize remote access to such a server and you can view the files you need from a brand new tablet or laptop.
By the way, it will be convenient if you transfer the torrent client to the same file server.
5. Use your old PC as a print server, firewall, router …
If you have multiple computers in your home, but only one printer, connect that printer to your old PC and set up sharing. Now everyone will not be able to run with flash drives to a computer with a printer or switch the printer to their PC, but immediately send a print job without any problems.
It is no less useful to install an old computer for distributing the Internet, as a proxy server, etc.
Note! If you need two high-performance PCs in your home, but you don't have the money to buy a second one, you can set up your old computer as a terminal to connect to a more productive machine.