Moisturizing and regular home care will keep your skin youthful, firm and fresh for years to come. Drinking the required amount of liquid, vitamin nutrition and masks - all this will postpone the appearance of wrinkles and slow down skin aging.

Any skin needs hydration: normal, oily, dry. Dry, dehydrated skin becomes flabby and wrinkled ahead of time. This usually becomes noticeable closer to the age of 30, but sometimes much earlier.
In addition to expensive professional procedures and creams, there are a huge number of folk ways to moisturize your skin using home remedies.
Why moisturize your skin?
Young, fresh and firm skin stays that way until water balance is disturbed. As soon as dehydration occurs, the skin loses its firmness, freshness and youthfulness. Hence, peeling, itching, dryness, allergic reactions on the skin and its early aging.
The complex of care for maintaining the water balance includes both the external creation of a film to retain moisture with the help of creams, and home methods. Eating, taking vitamins, drinking enough fluids, quitting smoking, and regular grooming with home remedies will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, and therefore on the face too.
The first and most important thing is nutrition
Lack of vitamins inevitably leads to the fact that the skin does not receive the nutrients it needs. She becomes pale, scaly, flabby, wrinkled. Loses internal moisture.
The daily diet must include vitamin-containing foods: cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt, milk, butter and olive oil, liver, carrots, herbs, fatty fish.
When you go on a diet, remember that by depriving your body of essential foods, you harm your skin. And this is moisturizing the skin from the inside, retaining the necessary intracellular moisture, thanks to which your skin looks smooth and youthful.
One and a half to two liters of water, mineralized, non-carbonated, or better spring, spring or thawed (you can do it yourself in the freezer) - this is the iron rule of saturation of the body with structured moisture. Such that it is close in composition to blood plasma. This is the key to muscle elasticity and skin smoothness.
Homemade facial moisturizing methods
Masks, contrasting washes, washing with herbal infusions, the use of oils - an inexhaustible list of skin care products at your service from the piggy bank of folk wisdom.
Contrast washing. Submerge your face alternately in warm and cold water. Finish cold. This trains the skin, makes it resistant to external influences. This simple exercise will make her firm and smooth.
Washing with herbal infusions (parsley, chamomile, rose petals, linden). Infusions and decoctions nourish the skin with the healing power of natural remedies. The skin will receive both cleansing and benefits.
The use of oils with vitamins E and C will help the skin get the beauty vitamins it needs. Do not use pure oil on your skin. Mix a few drops of oil with base oils: almond, peach or olive. For one procedure, just a teaspoon of base oil and two drops of medicinal oil are enough.
And of course the masks. You need to nourish dry skin a couple of times a week. Important! Masks are applied on clean, intact skin that does not have irritation.
Carrot mask: carrot juice, dilute in cream and apply evenly on the face. Remember that carrots give a tan color, but on too pale skin, the tint can turn out to be orange. Try applying some of the mixture on the back of your elbow. If the result is pleasing, apply. In addition to its benefits, it is a natural natural tanning cream.
Curd mask is the most affordable moisturizing mask. Cottage cheese, mashed with honey, will be useful for those who are not allergic to bee products. But cottage cheese with olive oil is well tolerated by everyone.
Sea buckthorn juice as a mask - excellent hydration and nutrition. Dip a clean piece of gauze in sea buckthorn juice, squeeze lightly and apply to your face.
Pretty much anything you have in the kitchen for your own food will work for your skin as well. Consider individual food intolerances.
Approach carefully and sensibly. Remember that regular moisturizing with the help of available home remedies will prolong the skin's youthfulness, remove the appearance of wrinkles, and relieve flaking.