After launching the game server, a reasonable question arises: what can be done to make it attractive to players? The answer is simple - to add all sorts of additions so that people have fun and enjoyment on it, and just be. There are a number of things that will 100% ensure the growth of visitors to the server, both temporary and permanent.

Step 1
Shooting plugins. The most popular and attractive plugins for the game are tracers and hit markers. Tracers appear every time the player shoots, from every bullet his weapon fires. The hit mark shows how many percent of the life you have taken off the enemy, even when you hit the wall.
Step 2
Models. Use separate models for each team. You can use both standard, but well-drawn models, and unusual, non-standard, suitable for any holiday or event. For example, instead of a special forces team against a terrorist team, you will have a team of Santa Claus against a team of Mickey Mouse.
Step 3
Audio accompaniment. Replace the standard radio commands with something more fun, such as the voices of Beavis and Butt-head, or other sounds that have not yet gotten boring. Choose a playlist that will be played at the end of each round if one of the teams wins. Make it in such a way that the "anthem" of one team will be some songs, and the "anthem" of the second team - others.
Step 4
Use your imagination, don't be afraid to experiment. Always have the ability to disable and enable plugins in order to be able to adjust their functioning in accordance with the wishes of the players.