There are several main reasons for the noise of the system unit. Most often, the unpleasant noise is emitted by the cooling fans installed inside the computer case. A number of procedures must be followed to reduce the noise level.

Open the case of the system unit by removing the left wall. Turn on your computer and look for a fan that is making a lot of noise. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable from the case of the system unit. Never disconnect devices from a running computer. This can damage several PC components at once. Remove the device that has the fan you want connected to. Disconnect the cooler from it. Remember to disconnect the fan power cord. Soak a cotton swab or cotton ball in the alcohol solution. Gently wipe the fan blades thoroughly. Make sure they are completely dust-free. Now remove the sticker from the top of the cooler. Remove the plastic cover. Take a pair of tweezers and use it to carefully remove the retaining ring and rubber gasket from the axis of rotation of the blades. Remove the blades themselves from the axle. Thoroughly lubricate the axis of rotation of the cooler with machine oil or its equivalent. Put some grease inside the hole in the blades. Place the blades on the axle and secure them with the removed spacers. Connect the cooler to the equipment and reinstall the devices. Remember to connect the fan power cable. Perform similar procedures with the rest of the noisy coolers. Turn on your computer and check the noise level. Install SpeedFan if the fans are still running too loudly. In the main menu of the utility, adjust the rotational speed of the fan blades. The lower the speed, the lower the noise level will be. Make sure that reducing the power of the cooler does not lead to overheating of the equipment on which it is installed. Replace the fan if none of the above methods are effective. Most likely the problem is in the rotation bearings of the device.