Before buying this or that laptop, you need to correctly calculate the final cost. This can be done only if you pay attention to all the parameters of the device.

Usually, the need to estimate the cost of a laptop arises from those people who buy it hand-held. Perhaps it is known that a laptop is a high-tech tool that has many different parameters, and if any of them fail, the laptop will stop working normally. In this regard, before buying, you need to pay attention to every aspect, so as not to regret the deal later.
The first step is to evaluate the appearance of the device. If chips, cracks and scratches are noticed on the laptop case, then it is best to refuse to buy such a computer altogether. This is directly related to the fact that if the appearance of the laptop leaves much to be desired, it means that it was treated inappropriately, and this, in turn, can be the cause of breakdown and the occurrence of various malfunctions of computer components.
Computer age
Of course, do not forget about the age of the computer. If the laptop has been used for more than two years, then its final cost should not exceed half of the original amount. Naturally, it is best to find out the initial cost of a particular model and only then be interested in age and draw your own conclusions based on the information received (for example, find out its real price).
Naturally, you should not forget about the components either, because it depends on them how well various applications, games, etc. will work. Maximum attention should be paid to: video card (its size, resolution), RAM and processor. The best way out of the situation is to compare the ones installed on the laptop with existing counterparts in online stores and read reviews about them. It is worth noting one significant nuance - if only an integrated video card is installed on the laptop, then it is better to refuse the purchase (if you are going to use the device for modern games and graphics applications), since such video adapters are not designed for demanding applications.
Battery status
In addition to all of the above, you need to pay attention to the battery. It is worth remembering that if it has been used for several years, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. Of course, it is best to check the performance using special programs or just find out how long it will work without being connected to the mains.