When selling or buying a computer, it is important to determine its approximate cost. Naturally, in this case we are talking about a device that was previously in use. Therefore, the wear of certain elements must be taken into account.

It is necessary
price lists of shops
Step 1
The total cost of a computer is made up of the price of all the elements that make up it. It is important to understand that not only the main devices are taken into account, such as: motherboard, video card, hard drive and central processor.
Step 2
Pay attention to the presence of cooling devices and various additional equipment. These can be various expansion cards connected to PCI ports, DVD drives, and so on.
Step 3
Write down the exact model names of the devices that are included in the personal computer. Look at the price lists of stores and find out the prices of similar models.
Step 4
Sometimes it is difficult to find the right model. This is especially true in the case of studying a computer purchased 3-4 years ago. In such cases, consider models with similar characteristics.
Step 5
It is important to understand that some devices with better declared characteristics do not always have better performance. For example, having more memory on video cards is not a key factor. And the price of these devices, as a rule, is much higher.
Step 6
Remember that many devices do not have a fixed lifespan. This means that the equipment can work stably for decades. Focus on the hard drive. Winchesters that have been in operation for 1, 5-2 years should be 50% cheaper than their new counterparts.
Step 7
After finding out the cost of a new computer with similar characteristics, subtract 25-35% from the amount received. Naturally, the price of the hard drive should be considered separately. As a result, you will get the approximate cost of the PC in question.
Step 8
Before buying a used computer, be sure to test the hard drive and video card. Devices such as RAM and the central processing unit usually do not need to be tested, provided the computer is stable.