Comfortable work at the computer is largely determined by the correct setting of the most noticeable part of it - the monitor. Any monitor is capable of working in several modes, and not all of them provide the optimal appearance of the displayed picture.

For CRT monitors, which until a few years ago were the main type of display used with computers, the key parameters were the image refresh rate and screen resolution, as well as color depth. The refresh rate of the screen determines how often it flickers. The higher it is, the less noticeable the flickering, which means, the less tiring for your eyes it will be to work with such a monitor. The higher the resolution and color depth, the better the picture appears on the screen, however, in order to set the maximum possible values, you will have to sacrifice the refresh rate, which is undesirable.
For LCD monitors, the key to optimal image quality is the exact match between the physical resolution of the matrix and the screen resolution set in the operating system settings. The matrix physically consists of a certain number of luminous points horizontally and vertically. It is capable of emulating other resolutions, but in them, as a rule, the device will have to solve a problem that has no solution, for example, display 1200 or 800 logical points using 1000 physical ones. The image will appear, but in this case there is no need to talk about its quality and clarity, so it is best to set the monitor to the recommended resolution that matches the physical resolution of its matrix.
No less important is what kind of picture the operating system displays on the monitor. Here are some guidelines to help you tune your monitor for the best possible way:
- Use Clear Type technology to make it easier to read text on the screen. Turns on in Display Options, Control Panel.
- Avoid too colorful and bright desktop themes. The variety of vivid colors can quickly tire the eyes when working in front of the monitor for a long time.
- Match the brightness of the monitor to the ambient light. The eye gets tired less if it does not need to constantly readjust from one level of illumination to another, each time changing the diameter of the pupil.