Eye fatigue while working at a computer is a common problem. Its decision depends on what type of monitor is used and on the individual characteristics of a person's vision.

Step 1
If a person uses an old CRT monitor, then the main factors affecting human vision are the refresh rate and brightness of the screen. The frequency for a given type of monitor is how many times the phosphor dots that form the image on the monitor screen will be illuminated. Brightness affects how bright this backlight is.
The higher the refresh rate of the CRT monitor screen, the lower the eye strain, because the human eye is very sensitive to low frequency. On the other hand, the brightness should be slightly underestimated so that the eyes fatigue more slowly. This is especially true for those who often read text from the monitor. You can experimentally set the optimal frequency and brightness of the screen.
Step 2
Most modern monitors are manufactured using a liquid crystal matrix. Frequency in such monitors is a secondary parameter. The sticking point is the brightness of the LCD monitor and its clarity. Likewise with CRT monitors, the brightness should be adjusted optimally so that the eyes do not get tired from working. If it cannot be adjusted as you would like, then it is worth trying to adjust the clarity. The balance between screen clarity and brightness is the key to healthy eyes when using an LCD monitor.
Step 3
The monitor settings are not enough to get rid of eye fatigue. It is necessary to follow a number of simple rules to avoid undue stress on the organs of vision. First of all, it is the distance of the monitor from the eyes. It should be at least an arm's length away. Secondly, the person's head should be located slightly higher than the monitor. In other words, the gaze at the monitor should be directed from top to bottom.
And most importantly, eye training should be done regularly in the workplace. Its duration is 15 minutes per 1 hour of computer work. Get up from the workplace and close your eyes, covering them with your palms. Then it is necessary to make several circular movements with the eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise. The end of the eye training should be frequent blinking of the eyes. This will increase blood flow to the eyes and tone the eye muscles.