Docx files have problems opening frequently. However, you should not despair, since there are ways to restore the document and save valuable information. This can be done using various programs.

There can be many reasons why a document in Docx format does not open, or it is possible to open a file, but instead of important information it contains only incomprehensible characters. However, it is important to save the information, otherwise all the work will have to be done anew.
Free software
To restore the docx file, you can use free programs. So, for example, Docx Recovery Free will help you open a document. But if this cannot be done, then it will be possible at least to extract information from the damaged file and re-save it. Also, thanks to this program, it will be possible to reorganize the text formats.docx,.dotx,.doc,.dot,.rtf.
Last but not least, Docx Recovery Free works with a copy of the damaged file, so in case of failure, you can try other recovery methods. To restore a file, you need to go to the program menu, select a document and click on the "Analyze" button. After this operation, it should open and the data can be saved.
It is often possible to restore the docx file using the Recuva program. This utility will help to open other types of documents, so it is useful to have it just in case. It is distributed free of charge, so you can quickly find it on the Internet and install it on your PC. To restore the file, you need to start the program, select the type of document and click the "Next" button. After that, the damaged file is selected, the "Next" button is pressed and the program starts its recovery.
Paid programs
Free programs cannot always help in recovering documents in Docx format, but you should not despair. After all, there are paid products that can help solve the problem. You can use Easy Word Recovery. It allows you to efficiently and reliably recover a DOCX file using modern algorithms, even if it was badly damaged.
Also, this program will help in recovering a DOCX document from any type of media, when it was accidentally deleted. Moreover, you don't have to buy this program right away, just download it and use it for free for 30 days. If it becomes irreplaceable during this time, then it makes sense to buy a licensed version.
Among paid programs, Word Recovery Toolbox shows good results. Its cost is very democratic, and the user can also get acquainted with the result of file recovery in a free mode.