How To Get Maximum Speed

How To Get Maximum Speed
How To Get Maximum Speed

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Getting the fastest speed when surfing the internet is not always easy. The fact is that the speed depends not only on your connection and the chosen tariff, but also on many other factors, which, alas, are sometimes simply impossible to change.

How to get maximum speed
How to get maximum speed


Step 1

First of all, you need to find out the real speed of your Internet connection (according to the tariff plan). And check it in a special test of the Internet speed (for example, call the technical support of the provider and tell the operator about it. According to the contract, the problem must be solved.

Step 2

Also, in order to achieve maximum speed on the Internet, it is necessary to exclude (even if temporarily) some applications that work directly via the Internet. A major update of the anti-virus database, the presence of programs constantly running in the system (for example, Last FM and others, much more "heavy" for speed) in large quantities. Such programs can sometimes slow down the speed of the Internet connection.

Step 3

A virus in the system can also slow down the speed. In general, using the Internet, there is a possibility of infecting your computer with dangerous software. To ward off virus attacks, it is recommended to use a good antivirus (eg Internet Security). Free, like standard antiviruses, do not always provide great guarantees of computer protection.

Step 4

The speed in certain places does not depend on the speed of your internet connection. For example, the speed on "torrents" depends on the speed of the person who posted the information. The same rule applies to all such file hosting services. At the same time, sometimes the speed is bad on regular sites / ftp, but there is no need to despair here. Most likely, this problem is temporary, caused by server load or technical work. Therefore, it is quite possible that after a while files will be available at maximum speed.
