At the moment, many companies offer air conditioners with various functions. According to a certain set of criteria, you can choose the perfect split system that will delight you. So, let's take a look at the main points.

Step 1
Split systems can be inverter - they are favorably distinguished by the fact that they have a power regulator that smoothly changes the intensity of cooling. Therefore, such models are more energy efficient and durable due to the smooth operation, but significantly more expensive. A simpler and more affordable option is non-inverter models. They either work or turn off, there are no intermediate phases.
Step 2
Another important criterion is the capacity of the air conditioner. On average, it is calculated as follows: 1 kW per 10 sq. M. However, it is necessary to take into account many more factors: how many people are present in the room, which side of the world the windows face, what household appliances are in the room. Each of these factors seriously affects the power calculation. In any case, before buying an air conditioner, it is recommended to consult with a consultant, since a mistake in either direction is undesirable. A split system that is too weak will simply not cope with cooling the room, and too powerful will cause a draft and will turn on and off too often, which clearly will not benefit the fans and the compressor.
Step 3
Your comfort is affected by the noise level. That is why the outdoor unit with the compressor is mounted externally. Provided that it is not defective and is installed correctly, it is completely inaudible in a closed room (during operation of the air conditioner, it is recommended to close the windows to keep the room cool). But, in any case, it is worth trying to choose the model with the lowest noise levels, so that there are no problems with neighbors. The indoor unit is much quieter than the outdoor unit, and most models have a “restful sleep” function, so it is very easy to choose a split system that will not disturb you.
Step 4
Having dealt with the basic parameters, you should pay attention to additional functions. Modern wall-mounted household air conditioners are equipped with various additional features, for example: heating, air dehumidification, blowing mode; various filters and ionizers can be incorporated. So, having defined the previous main points, it is easy to find a model that fully suits your needs.