A login is required to come up with when you register on a site. That is, you name yourself. And it is here that usually all unpleasant news awaits. Although in life the names of people are repeated, in the web space they must be unique.

computer, internet
Step 1
Specify what may be the login on the site on which you are going to register. Login is your identifier on this resource. In fact, these are two words, Log in - "entry to enter" in a literal translation. Sometimes the system generates it, but more often you need to enter your nickname.
Step 2
Use Latin letters, this is acceptable everywhere. Elsewhere, the login can be letters and numbers. Third projects allow some characters to be entered, while others use an e-mail address as it. In the latter case, you don't have to come up with anything. The mail is already unique once it is registered. And in the rest - you need to show imagination.
Step 3
Come up with a list of aliases, nicknames and other characteristics that you can use in the form of logins. The more original you are, the less time you will spend on registration. Fallback options are needed if you don't want to be numbered. Many sites, in order not to confuse users, themselves assign a numeric code to the already used logins. One example of such projects is Twitter.
Step 4
Go to the registration page. Enter login. On some sites, information immediately appears, whether it is a freely given alphanumeric combination or not. On others, you need to press a special button to check. Well, on the most inconvenient projects, you can check the login only by filling out the entire registration form in its entirety. It is very time consuming if you have not guessed right and entered the already used combination of letters.
Step 5
Use special sites that help you check whether your chosen username on a particular site is busy or not. But in order to use them, as a rule, you also need to register. That is, come up with a username and password. However, such services are known much less than the most visited resources of the Russian Internet. Therefore, it will be much easier to go through the procedure here.