The scroll bar is present as standard on almost all Internet sites, allowing you to scroll down or up the page for easy familiarization with the information posted on it. In some cases, the site design requires the developer to remove the scrollbar from the page because it does not match the page design or the type of content posted. Only remove the scrollbar from your site when it is really necessary to avoid causing discomfort to readers and page visitors.

Step 1
If you want to disable the scrollbar in page frames, use the options or to turn scrolling on and off. To disable scrolling in a frame, enter the following code on the page:
Step 2
Removing the scrollbar from the new window is a little more difficult - you need a basic knowledge of JavaScript to do this. In this case, to remove the scrollbar, use the method and the scrollbar = 0 parameter. This option removes all scrollbars on the page - both horizontal and vertical. To remove scrolling in a new window, insert the following lines into the page code to strip the page of navigation elements: ("tips.html", "TIP", "width = 400, height = 300, status = 0, menubar = 0, location = 0, resizable = 0, directories = 0, toolbar = 0, scrollbar = 0 ");
Step 3
For browsers Netscape, Mozilla and Internet Explorer, the overflow parameter is suitable, which will allow, by changing the style, to remove scrolling from the page. Apply the overflow parameter to the BODY tag, supplement it with the value hidden, and save the result - the scrollbar from the page will disappear:
BODY {overflow: hidden}