Internet connection problems are among the most common. In order to eliminate the cause of the connection reset, make sure that it has nothing to do with the operation of your Internet service provider.

When resetting the connection, pay attention to the frequency of the problem - if this happens after approximately the same amount of time, it is most likely that viruses or, conversely, antivirus software are to blame. Be that as it may, first contact the technical support service and make sure that the problem with resetting the connection is not related to the peculiarities of their work. If you have an anti-virus system installed, especially if it has a network scanner, try shutting it down and performing reconnection. Computer security programs sometimes terminate connections on their own in order not to infect the system during data exchange. Naturally, it is completely undesirable to work on the network with the antivirus turned off, so change its settings or install any other network scanner that would not terminate the Internet connection. If you have not previously installed an antivirus program on your computer, be sure to perform a full scan of your computer., including RAM and boot sectors, using antivirus with updated databases. Also check the programs installed on your computer for malicious code. In particular, this applies to free (free) software, since most of them are open source. Download Internet browsers only from the official websites of the manufacturers. The same applies to add-ons installed to expand their functionality - various downloaders, programs for storing keys, player plugins, and others. If possible, it is best not to install them on your computer at all. Download a special utility from the official website of your provider that automatically configures the Internet settings on your computer - in this case, you will avoid mistakes when creating a connection.