Everyone knows that the mirror surface of a CD requires particularly careful care - it should not be touched with fingers, the disc should not be bent and written on with a ballpoint pen, the disc should not be left unpacked on the table, as it may be damaged, and so on. Scratches on CDs are almost always considered a sign that the disc is damaged. But what about those who have important information on the scratched disk that needs to be recovered? There are several ways you can try to repair a damaged disk.

Step 1
Use a clean, dry, soft cloth that is free from visible lint and scratches. Wipe the disc gently, guiding the fabric from the center outward, and never wipe the disc in a circle.
Step 2
When cleaning a disc from dust and dirt, do not apply pressure or use a cleaning agent that could damage the protective lacquer coating of the data layer.
Step 3
Try polishing the disc in the same way as in the previous case - from the center to the edges, across the tracks, using a clean, dry glass without dust and debris. In some cases, wax polish can be used to repair both visible and minor scratches on the disc without an aggressive solvent base.
Step 4
Apply a small amount of polish to the scratch and rub with a soft cloth. The scratches will become invisible, and you can transfer the information to your computer, then burn a copy of this CD.
Step 5
You can try to fix the surface of the disc with a smooth metal teaspoon, gently rubbing the surface with scratches. Friction will remove the top layer of the surface, after which the disc must be polished with a piece of soft cloth.
Step 6
These methods will not be able to restore the disk to its original performance, but thanks to them you can make the disk available again at least for a short while in order to get valuable data and copy it to a safe place.