For many years, forums have provided an opportunity not only to find friends with the same interests, but also allow you to get answers to questions and share a wide variety of information. When communicating on the forum, it is often necessary to add a picture or photo to your message.

Step 1
To add any image to the forum, you must first of all place it on the Internet on specialized resources. Such services are called "photo hosting" and give everyone the opportunity to upload their picture or photo for free, get a link to it and a special code for insertion on forums and blogs. Today there are many different photo hosting services, and you can use any of the ones you like. It could be,,,, or any other
Step 2
Whichever resource you choose, you will be prompted to click on the "Select file" button. And after you find on your computer and select the desired picture, it will be uploaded to the Internet. A page will open in front of you, which will contain the image you uploaded and several options for embed codes. You need to find the code called "For Embedding in Forums", copy it and then, when posting on the forum, paste this code. Your picture will appear on the forum.