Kings empire is a new browser-based online strategy game for mobile. In it, the player must grow his empire from a small town, establish diplomatic relations with neighbors, fight, make peace - do everything to create a single powerful state.

Step 1
After registering an account with Kings Empire and starting the game, first go through a short tutorial. After that, start the independent development of your country. Move in several directions at once: building troops, building civilian buildings, capturing territories, without getting hung up on one thing.
Step 2
First, start building mines to extract resources. At this time, build some troops and send them to capture villages. With the growth of territory, influence and amount of resources, increase the size of your army. As soon as it reaches more or less significant indicators, get ready to capture the "wild" cities.
Step 3
Now hire a spy and send him to the city chosen as the target of your attack. At this time, fill the warehouse with various products so that the army has something to feed on the campaign. While all this is happening, recruit as many soldiers as possible in all cities under your control, while strengthening the defense of your capital with new towers.
Step 4
Based on the results of reconnaissance, your spies will be partially destroyed, and the enemy will receive a notification about espionage in his city. From the information they brought about the size of the enemy army, draw a conclusion about the advisability of a successful attack on this city. If in total your army surpasses the enemy's garrison both in the number of fighters and in the number of points, immediately attack by clicking on the knife icon near the city. If your army is equal to or weaker than the enemy, it will be wiser to withdraw the troops, regardless of the wasted supply of bread.
Step 5
If the siege is unsuccessful, you can look for a less "biting" target. For this, robbers who circle around villages, or the army of some weak player are well suited. Having entered the battle with the enemy, compare the total attack of your troops with the defense of the enemy. Victory and trophies await you only if your attack is superior to its defense.
Step 6
Expanding your lands in this way and defeating enemies, accumulate resources, fortify cities and constantly produce an army. To do this, constantly build warehouses so that the flow of resources does not stop, as well as residential buildings so that the population of your country grows.
Step 7
Build and upgrade your barracks so that your troops outnumber the enemy not only in quantity, but also in quality. Add to this the construction of the academy, which opens the research tree. Together, this should give a stable growth to your kingdom.
Step 8
Once you can compete with neighboring kingdoms and prove your worth, build an embassy and join one of the many alliances to continue the game on a geopolitical level.