Checking the hard disk provides correction of minor system errors, as well as checking and restoring damaged clusters of the hard drive. Together with the defragmentation procedure performed once a month, your hard drive will last as long as possible, while constantly working at high speed, regardless of its level of work.

Step 1
To start checking the hard disk, go to "My Computer" on the desktop or through the main menu "Start". Select the hard drive to check, such as the (C:) drive where Windows is located. Right click on the hard drive (C:) and select Properties from the context menu.
Step 2
In the properties window that appears, go to the "Service" tab. In it, you will see three categories - check, defrag, and archive. Click the Check Now button. You will see a small window informing you of checking the selected disk. For a complete check of the hard drive, check both boxes: "Automatically fix system errors" and "Check and repair bad sectors". Start the disk check by pressing the "Start" button