Hard drive problems occur quite often and cause a lot of inconvenience, especially for users who are not on a short foot with computer technology. Typically, such problems arise due to defects in the disk itself, as well as damaged files contained on the disk. At the moment, there are many programs that allow you to diagnose and fix problems.

Where to look and what to choose from
In case your hard drive needs help, you can choose a program to check it and fix errors. Typically, such programs offer functional solutions for a wide variety of user groups - from beginners to advanced. Most of them can be downloaded from the Internet and also bought from computer disc stores. Please note that not all programs have a Russian interface, and each of them has limited functionality.
Seagate Seatools
One of the popular programs is Seagate Seatools. It combines both the ability to check the hard disk and the ability to fix bad sectors. You can download the program completely free of charge from the official website of the Seagate company. Seatools for Windows checks the hard drive in the Windows interface. Seagate for DOS is an iso image from which you can make a bootable disk and, after booting from it, perform a hard disk check and fix errors. Since the operating system constantly accesses the hard disk, which affects the scan progress, it is more advisable to choose the Seagate for DOS version. The program conducts the necessary tests and fixes bad sectors, plus gives all the information about the disk. Bonus - full localization into Russian.
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic
Owners of Western Digital hard drives can take advantage of the free Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic software. It is available in two versions: for Windows and a bootable image. You can check, get information "smart", format the disk. The program is freely available for download on the Internet.
Built-in program
In versions of Windows from XP and higher, you can check the hard drive by right-clicking on the hard drive icon in the "Explorer" on the "Properties" tab, then "Service", then "Check". The functionality is limited, but this option is also worth considering.
HDD Scan
The free HDD Scan program is also popular. It can check not only the hard drive, but also flash cards. The big disadvantage is that there is no possibility of correcting errors.
Victoria HDD
If you are a professional, then you should pay attention to the Victoria HDD program. It has the functionality of all of the above programs, and can also fragmentally mark damaged blocks. It is also available in versions for Windows and as an iso image and is freely available for download on the Internet. The program is designed for in-depth analysis and processing of the hard drive, so if you do not need extra functions, then it is better to dwell on other options, since it will take a long time to understand the Victoria HDD functionality.