Stone is the most common type of block in Minecraft. But getting it is not as easy as it seems. Because only cobblestones fall out of the broken block of stone.

There are two ways to get a stone in Minecraft. The first one is simple and takes time, the second one requires resources and patience.
An easy way to get a stone
A simple way is that when melted in a stove, a cobblestone turns into stone. So to get a stone, you just need to make a stove, and preferably a little to speed up the result, then get coal or lava. To make a stove, place eight blocks of cobblestone in a ring on a workbench.
Install the stove, open its interface. Put coal or a bucket of lava in the bottom slot. Place a cobblestone in the top slot. Close the fuser interface and wait. It is best to remelt the cobblestone in several ovens at once, this significantly saves time.
Coal can be found in any cave, and in some places on the surface, it can be mined with any pickaxe. Lava is usually found below sea level, which in Minecraft is at the level of sixty-four blocks, in rare cases you can find lava lakes on the surface. To scoop up lava, you need to make a bucket of three iron ingots. Iron can be obtained by melting iron ore in a furnace. If suddenly you do not want to climb into caves, with the help of a stove you can get charcoal from wood and already melt cobblestones on it, but this option does not justify itself.
How to get a stone using a complex technology
The second, difficult way is to get a pickaxe with the "Silk Touch" enchantment. To do this, you need to assemble an enchanting table from two diamonds, a book and four blocks of obsidian, then gain enough experience by killing monsters or mining coal and other minerals, and then apply a random enchantment to the pickaxe, hoping that it will be "Silk Touch".
There are several nuances here. Firstly, for the extraction of obsidian, you will definitely need a diamond pickaxe, since other materials do not take obsidian. Searching for diamonds is long and dreary, their greatest concentration is found between the fifth and twelfth levels, where there is a lot of lava, which makes them unsafe to mine. Secondly, you also need to enchant the diamond pickaxe, since other materials break much faster, so it's simply not profitable. Third, and this is the saddest thing, you have no control over the enchanting. So it is quite possible that the "silk touch" will fall out to you only on the fifth or sixth pickaxe. So the first way is much more profitable.
But the “silk touch” pickaxe is still worth making, since it can mine rare blocks that cannot be obtained in any other way. These include, for example, mycelium, on which huge mushrooms can be grown.