Where Can You Find A Dragon In Minecraft

Where Can You Find A Dragon In Minecraft
Where Can You Find A Dragon In Minecraft

There is only one dragon in Minecraft. He resides in the End dimension and is a one-of-a-kind boss. Dealing with him is hard enough, but killing him is a formal way to end the game.

Where can you find a dragon in minecraft
Where can you find a dragon in minecraft

How to get to the dragon?

The Ender Dragon is a very large, coal-black dragon with bright purple eyes. He dwells in the dimension of the End, where you can get through the portal in the fortress.

The underground fortress is a complex structure made of various types of stone bricks. It is a huge multi-level room with spiral staircases and ramps. In one of the rooms of the fortress there is a dilapidated portal of the End, which must be repaired by inserting the required number of Eyes of the End into the destroyed cells.

By the way, the fortress itself can be found using the Eye of the End. To do this, you need to take it in your hand and press the right mouse button. After that, the Eye of the End will fly in the direction of the nearest fortress for three seconds, emitting purple sparks. After three seconds, it will fall to the ground, from where it can be picked up, or disappear (this happens in twenty percent of cases).

An Eye of the Ender can be made by mixing Ender Pearls with Fire Powder in the inventory window or on the workbench. Ender Pearls are dropped by killing Endermen, and Fire Powder is obtained from Fire Rods, which can be obtained by killing Ifrit in the Nether.

Battle tactics

After passing through the portal in the fortress, you will find yourself in the dimension of the End, and you will not be able to return back until you kill the Dragon of the End, since the reverse portal appears only after his death. To defeat the dragon, you will need iron, or better diamond armor (best of all enchanted), a good sword and a bow with several stacks (stacks of sixty-four) arrows.

The correct tactic during the battle with the Ender Dragon is to destroy the Ender Crystals, which are located on the tops of the black obsidian pillars. The fact is that the dragon heals by flying past them, this is accompanied by the corresponding animation - the crystal and the dragon are connected by a sparkling white line. Destroying the crystal while healing will deal a lot of damage to the Ender Dragon. Crystals can be destroyed with arrows or snowballs, it is enough to hit them.

Keep in mind that the dragon destroys absolutely any blocks, and it easily passes through obsidian and stones of the End, so it is useless to defend against it with block walls. Better to quickly move in space and shoot the dragon with a bow. A successful dragon attack can knock the player into the void, resulting in immediate death.

The Ender Dragon explodes in bright purple light upon death. Then a back portal to the ordinary world appears. When passing through it, the player sees the credits. And at first they are a philosophical conversation. After the end of credits, the player returns to the point from where he started the game. You can get to the Edge again, but the dragon will no longer be there.
