The death knight is the first heroic MMORPG World of Warcraft to appear in the game with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The Death Knight perfectly plays the role of a tank and DD, but to complete raid dungeons, you need a set of clothes with an average level of at least 329.

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- - death knight level 85.
Step 1
Remove all Rare quality (blue) clothing and replace it with Epic Level 353-378 Equipment. Choose your equipment with a bias to the key indicators: endurance, mastery, evasion, parry. In the event that you have a strong group to complete the dungeons, do not pay attention to your accuracy and mastery indicators.
Step 2
For head protection, craft Reinforced Bio-Optic Goggles with the Engineering profession. The item is level 359. If for some reason you cannot get this item, replace it with the "Mask of the Spirit Shield" level 353 helmet. To get it, defeat the Nalorakk bear boss in the Zul Aman dungeon. In the same dungeon, get the item "Pauldrons of Sacrifice" level 353. Shoulders are drops from Healer Boss Malacrass.
Step 3
Purchase the Fire Giant's Battleplate to protect your chest. The item is level 378. You can buy it for Valor Points from a special vendor. Valor points can be earned by completing dungeons on Heroic difficulty. If you can't get the armor, a level 353 Hauberk of Hardened Elementium is perfect in its place. The item is crafted using the Blacksmithing profession. You don't have to make it yourself, you can buy a hauberk at the auction. True, you will have to pay a substantial amount for it.
Step 4
Achieve Exalted with Avengers of Hyjal to obtain a level 378 cloak. Purchase Bracers of Monarch's Strength with Valor Points to protect your wrists. This item can also be purchased at the auction. A good alternative would be level 353 Amani War Bracers, which are loot from monsters in the Zul Aman dungeon.
Step 5
Buy Legguards of the Fire Giant to be worn on your feet. Item sold for Valor Points. You can save Valor Points and purchase Earthen Gaiters with Justice Points. Use the Blacksmithing profession to obtain Mirror Boots. The item is level 378, so you will need expensive ingredients to craft it.
Step 6
To get an excellent two-handed ax "Obsidian Cleaver" visit the location "Firelands" and farm monsters. The ax drop chance is extremely low, so you will have to spend several days on its extraction.