From time to time, any video card needs to be cleaned from dust. With prolonged use, the fan blades become clogged, and it begins to make a lot of noise. Also, dust can lead to its breakdown, and this will lead to overheating of the video card and its failure. Even if the video adapter is without a fan, dust still settles on the radiator. Then you need to disconnect it from the motherboard and clean it.

- - Computer;
- - screwdriver.
Step 1
The following instructions apply only to discrete graphics cards. Disconnect the power from the computer, then disconnect the monitor from the graphics card interface. If you are not going to move the system unit to another location, you do not need to disconnect anything else. Remove the cover of the system unit. Basically, the case covers are fixed with two screws, but some of them may also have latches.
Step 2
On modern computers, a PCI-Express slot is used to connect video cards. The AGP port is much less common. Look in the instructions for your motherboard which video card connection port it is equipped with. Find the port on the system board. If there is no instruction, then just search for either PCI-Express or AGP. One of these ports will definitely be on your motherboard. The device that is installed in the port is the video card.
Step 3
The video card is attached to the case with a screw. Also, many modern boards are equipped with additional power connectors. They are located on the back of the video card. If you have such a card, then before removing it from the motherboard, unplug the power cord from it. Unscrew this screw. Now take your video adapter and simply pull it towards you. No extra effort is needed. It should be easily removed from the connection slot. The video card is now disconnected from the system board.
Step 4
To reinstall the video adapter, insert it into the slot and push slightly until it snaps into place. If necessary, connect power to the video card. Finally, screw it to the computer base. Close the lid of the system unit.